NYX dropped precipitously after the market drop on Tuesday, February 28, 2007. The DOW dropped nearly 500 points at the lowest part of the day mostly due to concerns of a slowing economy in China and also some economic concerns in the US. The day was also marked by a sudden 200 point caused by a delay in the Dow Jones calculations that was corrected abruptly. This was a problem with the Dow Jones calculation of the DJIA and not a problem with the New York Stock Exchange. The stock is down sharply to 84 after rising to a level of 95 in the last week. The stock should correct back towards the low 90s in the next couple of weeks. No other significant news has been present.
Looking at the charts, the stock moves rapidly up when it starts to approach its lower Bollinger band. This has happened a few times in the last year.
from : http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ta?s=NYX&t=1y&l=on&z=m&q=l&p=m50,m200,b&a=&c=
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Wells Fargo 20+ year return
Read the article today about how investing in WFC a while back would give you more in dividend payments yearly than your initial investment. Here's how an initial investment would have done. $1000 invested in 1984 in Wells Fargo would be worth $74,654 at today's closing price of 35.85.
Initial Investment = 999.8399999999999
Shares Available = 2083
Final Investment Value = 74654.72
Total Profit = 73654.88
Percent Return = 7366.7
Initial Investment = 999.8399999999999
Shares Available = 2083
Final Investment Value = 74654.72
Total Profit = 73654.88
Percent Return = 7366.7
Monday, February 19, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
For Yale’s Money Man, a Higher Calling - New York Times
For Yale’s Money Man, a Higher Calling - New York Times:
"He was troubled by it: making wealthy people wealthier. I feel privileged to be in a place where the resources that we generate are applied to the world’s problems."
Goog heading towards 50 day moving average
After dipping to 450, Google (GOOG) appears to be heading back towards its 50 day moving average of 478. At least two times in the last year, it has dipped significantly below its 50 day moving average and returned to the average within 2 months.
NYX oversold at 88
NYX appears to be oversold at 88. It has dropped precipitously from the high 100s range on little news. Appears to be a good time to buy with the positive long term sentiment of expansion into global markets.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Capital Return
Capital Return Walmart from 1974 to 2007
Technorati tags: walmart, wmt
How much would a 1000 dollar investment in Walmart made during a low in 1974 be worth today? Here are the results of the calculator.
Initial Investment = 999.9910000000001
Shares Available = 58823
Final Investment Value = 2,823,504
Total Profit = 2,822,504.009
Percent Return = 282,252.9
Source: http://finance.google.com
How much would a 1000 dollar investment in Walmart made during a low in 1974 be worth today? Here are the results of the calculator.
Initial Investment = 999.9910000000001
Shares Available = 58823
Final Investment Value = 2,823,504
Total Profit = 2,822,504.009
Percent Return = 282,252.9
Source: http://finance.google.com
Capital Return
Capital Return of Cisco from 1990 to 2000
Technorati tags: cisco, csco
How much would a 1000 dollars invested in Cisco (CSCO) at the beginning of 1990 be worth at the top of the market in 2000? Here are the results from the calculator.
Initial Investment = 999.99
Shares Available = 11111
Final Investment Value = 911102
Total Profit = 910102.01
Percent Return = 91011.1
How much would a 1000 dollars invested in Cisco (CSCO) at the beginning of 1990 be worth at the top of the market in 2000? Here are the results from the calculator.
Initial Investment = 999.99
Shares Available = 11111
Final Investment Value = 911102
Total Profit = 910102.01
Percent Return = 91011.1
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Capital Return
Capital Return
Technorati tags: capital, shares, cash, return
Enter price paid, capital available, and expected price. Capital available is the amount of cash available to invest. Initially, the code will calculate the amount of shares purchased with cash available. Then, it calculates initial investment, profit, and percent return.
Enter price paid, capital available, and expected price. Capital available is the amount of cash available to invest. Initially, the code will calculate the amount of shares purchased with cash available. Then, it calculates initial investment, profit, and percent return.
Simple Stock Profit Calculator
Simple Profit
Technorati tags: stock profit, stock return, calculator
Enter price paid, shares, and expected price. Calculates profit and percent return.
Enter price paid, shares, and expected price. Calculates profit and percent return.
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