Sunday, April 29, 2007

SEOmoz | Google's Patent - Information Retrieval Based on Historical Data

SEOmoz | Google's Patent - Information Retrieval Based on Historical Data

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This piece of paper is worth $145 billion.

In the News : GoodSearch : Search the Internet with GoodSearch and support your favorite charity or school.

In the News : GoodSearch : Search the Internet with GoodSearch and support your favorite charity or school.

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I don't think they give enough their profits to charity. Some clicks generate up to $3, and they give a penny. Most website owners know how much Google and by transition Yahoo earns them for each click of their visitors. I will say that some clicks do generate only ten cents, but in general some others generate a lot more money. It's a good idea that they donate a penny for each search, but it should be more transparent and a more signifant part of their revenues should be given to charity.

Here's a website detailing some high paying keywords, showing that when a user clicks on these advertisements the website can make a few dollars.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Google Buys an Online Ad Firm for $3.1 Billion - New York Times

Google Buys an Online Ad Firm for $3.1 Billion - New York Times

Not particularly understanding why Google wants to go into a business it has been avoiding. They made their money on text advertising after it proved to be more successful than banner advertisements.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Kanoodle vs. Google

I've used both services, but I think Kanoodle ends up being the better choice for individual web publishers in the long run. Google (GOOG) may have higher revenue per click for web based advertising, but I've been able to make more money from Kanoodle's RSS feed feature.
Unfortunately, most web publishers only think of Google for their advertising features and overlook smaller providers which may provide them with larger checks.
Google may have a dominant hold on providing advertising for small websites but any other provider with better payouts can take Google's market share.