Sunday, March 19, 2017

Make your own personal computer for $50

Raspberry Pi has made it relatively simple to make a computer for $50. Here is a step by step guide to making this computer. After you make it, attach an HDTV, keyboard, and mouse.

Buy your items: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with wifi and bluetooth, a case, micro-USB power charger, HDMI cable, keyboard, mouse.
Several items may not need to be purchased such as the micro-USB power charger which comes with most Android phones.

Insert the Raspberry Pi 3 motherboard into the case. The case has a top and bottom which come apart. Make sure to slide the Pi board underneath a small ridge inside the case.

Download the Raspberry Pi OS which is based on Linux here.

Unzip the image file. Then write the image file to the microSD card using a program like Win32 Disk Imager

Push in the microSD card into the Raspberry Pi, plug in the HDMI cable to a HDTV, plug in the keyboard and mouse by USB, and attach the micro USB power cord. The OS should load up and start installation.

Or you could buy one for $60 with a 16 gb card by clicking here.

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